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Saturday, 20 October 2018


A little boy approached a very successful man and said, "I want to be successful like you" and the successful man replied "go and fail more".

The little boy thinking the man didn't get what he said, asked him again. "I want to be successful like you, what should I do? And the successful man replied him again "go and fail more".

The boy said "but people will laugh at me if I fail". The successful man replied "they laughed at me too but many of them who laughed at me then pay me today to listen to how I failed and some work in my factories".

As the boy was leaving with sad face, the successful man called him and said "don't quit on your dream until people who will laugh at you start working for you".

My gift to you today is the same advice that successful man gave the the little boy. Do not quit on your dreams until people who will laugh at you start working in your companies.


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