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Tuesday, 20 June 2017



Almost every leader I have come across in network marketing has found a way to brand themselves. Why is that? Branding puts the law of attraction into play. When you brand yourself you become the expert in the eyes of many.

As others see you as an expert they search you out to help them with their issues, find answers to their questions and to find solutions. Just yesterday my phone rang on the other end was a network marketer looking for some answers for her business. This happens a lot. Don’t you think it would be nice for people to reach out to you for assistance?

It’s just easier to talk to someone when you are the expert and not someone trying to sell them something. Don’t you think so? This would never happen if it wasn’t for branding me and my business instead of just being another rep that is lost in a company with tens of thousands of reps. How does this help you? In the long run you are the expert to many and some of those will automatically join you in what you are doing.

As an example… did you know Social networking sites were put together for branding purposes and promoting. They attract people by the content that is at their sites and people sign up as members. These signups are easy to promote to because everyone using this site is really a targeted prospect. All they have to do is provide the right product the members have been looking for. AND who better to promote to!

Of course, this is a good thing. If you belong to that same social network, you can leverage yourself using the site to brand and promote yourself and your products as well. If you learn how to brand yourself while you build your business, you will be very successful.

The branding is a process that happens over time. However, if you have the right systems in place, you can brand yourself rather quickly while marketing your business. You can brand yourself by using a simple two step process. You will need a Blog or be a member of a Social Network that allows you to add content about yourself and your business regularly, and learn how to use article marketing.

Watch out for my next article on how to use article marketing to brand yourself and attract people to you as an expert!….

I have started Branding Myself for success. This is what has given birth to Welcome to Oluwatomiwa Afolabi’s Diary. Don’t just read alone but please, like me on Facebook also.
Thank you!

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