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Sunday, 11 June 2017


As a business oriented person, your head is important. It is a business tool. If anything goes wrong with your head, your heart is affected. Therefore, Protect it. There is an element of luck in building a successful business but there is a science to it. That science lies in your head.

Of course, life is as you see it. Mastering your head then Implies, you must learn to see well. Cultivate vision with your head not negative expectations. Know your onion. Be willing to learn more, to spice your H2i business. Be innovative. I have learnt so much, speed is one thing, growth is another thing. But please mind you, you can gain speed without growing. Growth is an inner game.

To master your head you must master your heart. Nothing is more dangerous than having an incompetent fool in a position of power. You must develop intellectual capacity, skillfulness is not enough. Hence, many could not migrate from the typewriter age to the technological era. Not all typist survived the onslaught of the information age.

You must stimulate your brain cells and increase your capacity for learning and retention. The more capacity your brain develops, the more capability your hand assumes.

Your head is you...
So, read books in your field. Get the journals. Don't sweat the small stuff. Your business is at the mercy of your HEAD. Your H2i business goes in the direction of what you have in your heart and head. Stop blaming the pockets of others. If you sell your business well, they will buy into it well......

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