To be prosperous as the year winds up and even as the new year approaches, you must understand that if you cannot manage money, you can never manage life. It is also important to state it here that, “Bad People kill for money, foolish people beg for money, good people look for money while great people make their money work for them”.
The usefulness of money can never be over-emphasized in our daily living. Money is virtually used for everything, I mean, everything.....we spend money, we wear money, we use money and we eat money. Without it, we cannot live and we are incomplete.
Speaking sincerely, you cannot increase your income without increasing your capacity as far as finances are concerned. You gat to be literate, you need financial intelligence. What is it all about? Financial Intelligence is about know how to make more money legally and also knowing how to manage it to better your life and your future! This is made possible by the following means –
1. Open New Stream Of Income: A friend who is a pastor just learn't how to open new streams of income. He discovered an opportunity that is just sitting on his nose. What did he do? He started turning most of his old messages into books and started producing tapes for sale thereby bringing out an industry from his ministry. The Result now is, he doesn’t bother about how much his local church gives him as salary because he now makes ten times of that within a week.
2. Turning Your Money into an Employee: All this while you have been working for money, its high time you could make your money work for you. This you can do by investing your money in a very good business opportunity that is certain. There are many legitimate and cool business opportunities you can engage yourself in right now that won't even affect your present Job. Get in touch with me for further information.
3. Have Financial Mentors: Have somebody that will teach you how to make money. Somebody who will always encourage you and inspire you. Choose good and faithful people. I mean, MENTORS and not MENTHOLATUMS. Why many fail is as a result of no mentor and no proper and direct guidance from nobody which sometimes could lead to frustrations. In our own capacity, we are absolutely and readily available to mentor and put you through on your journey of financial freedom. All you need is to be ready to follow instructions and be ready to learn.
The sky is your starting point
I Am Oluwatomiwa AFOLABI
The usefulness of money can never be over-emphasized in our daily living. Money is virtually used for everything, I mean, everything.....we spend money, we wear money, we use money and we eat money. Without it, we cannot live and we are incomplete.
Speaking sincerely, you cannot increase your income without increasing your capacity as far as finances are concerned. You gat to be literate, you need financial intelligence. What is it all about? Financial Intelligence is about know how to make more money legally and also knowing how to manage it to better your life and your future! This is made possible by the following means –
1. Open New Stream Of Income: A friend who is a pastor just learn't how to open new streams of income. He discovered an opportunity that is just sitting on his nose. What did he do? He started turning most of his old messages into books and started producing tapes for sale thereby bringing out an industry from his ministry. The Result now is, he doesn’t bother about how much his local church gives him as salary because he now makes ten times of that within a week.
2. Turning Your Money into an Employee: All this while you have been working for money, its high time you could make your money work for you. This you can do by investing your money in a very good business opportunity that is certain. There are many legitimate and cool business opportunities you can engage yourself in right now that won't even affect your present Job. Get in touch with me for further information.
3. Have Financial Mentors: Have somebody that will teach you how to make money. Somebody who will always encourage you and inspire you. Choose good and faithful people. I mean, MENTORS and not MENTHOLATUMS. Why many fail is as a result of no mentor and no proper and direct guidance from nobody which sometimes could lead to frustrations. In our own capacity, we are absolutely and readily available to mentor and put you through on your journey of financial freedom. All you need is to be ready to follow instructions and be ready to learn.
The sky is your starting point
I Am Oluwatomiwa AFOLABI
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