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Sunday, 11 June 2017


I would have us know, that every success is a result of a process and process is hidden in time. When we see gold, we find it very desirable. We are attracted to it and we want to have it or own it.

Gold will never be valued or celebrated if  doesn't go through process or if it truncates it's fire/furnace process. No one will love or value it. Never let darkness kill your dream and vision. See darkness as an opportunity to shine. Stars cannot shine in the day time. You need the night! You need the darkness!!!

People who go through process are the people who are able to negotiate their worth. Because they are able to assess what they went through to get to where they are. They appreciate their history and they use it to negotiate their relevance.
People who try short cuts on the other hand do not understand process and so do not even appreciate what it takes to become anything. They are the ones who don't bother about what they wear, how they look and how they are addressed. For them, anything goes. They have no respect, no self esteem, no image and they will sell themselves and their services for next to nothing.

They are unable to see the difference between an opportunity and a set up. They will go for anything, they will fall for anything. What process are you going through? What are you exposed to? If there's no pain, there will be no gain!...


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