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Sunday, 18 June 2017


There are many good reasons why you should aspire to study in Sweden. Some of these reasons are the followings :-

Foreign students are welcome
Many students studying in Sweden come from abroad – 8.5% of the student body, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – making Sweden one of the world’s most inclusive countries for education. But there is room for more: the number grew by over 80% over the last 4-year period. There are now PhD candidates from some 80 countries working towards their degrees in Sweden.Sweden’s educational policy is based on the recognition that a multicultural student body is a resource. Competition for places is keen, but students of all nationalities may apply, given the right credentials; and degree equivalency for past studies is granted on a flexible basis.

Scholarships are available
The Swedish Institute grants hundreds of scholarships every year to help foreign students make their stay in Sweden more affordable. Currently, tuition fees for everyone are fully subsidized by the state. Sweden’s public spending on education is the OECD’s highest, at 4.9% of GDP. And because it costs to live in Sweden, foreign students can work while studying.

English is spoken by all
Almost all Swedes speak fluent English. Many Swedish companies use English as their official working language. Foreign students find that this prevalence of English makes adapting to their new surroundings much easier.

Innovation and creativity run deep
Sweden is a safe and modern country in northern Europe, and it has accrued a spectacular reputation as an innovator and creative force. Sweden’s famed corporate brands – like Volvo, Ikea, Ericsson, H&M and Saab – complement its cultural brands – like Ingmar Bergman, Abba, Astrid Lindgren, Bjorn Borg, August Strindberg, The Cardigans and Greta Garbo.

The Standards are high
Sweden has a long and proud history of academic excellence, with outstanding universities dating back to the 15th century. Sweden is the home of the Nobel Prize, the world’s most prestigious academic distinction.Today, Sweden’s reputation for innovation is built on close cooperation between industry and academia. Swedish universities are renowned for their investigative research and independent thinking, and this reputation is cemented with rigorous quality control and nationally certified degrees. Sweden has one of the most ambitious educational evaluation programs in Europe, aimed at maintaining this competitive edge.

Swedish universities offer around 500 master’s programs in English, ranging from human rights law to mechanical engineering. Programs are structured in response to student demand – the result is a student-centric education system, with open, informal relations between students and teachers, and where personal initiative and critical thought are prized.

Although in almost all cases, tuition is free, it still costs to live in Sweden. There are a number of ways you can get funding to help you afford your stay.The Swedish Institute, a government agency, each year administers over 500 scholarships for students and researchers coming to Sweden to pursue their objectives at a Swedish university.
The number of available scholarships varies from year to year, and competition is keen. Most foreign students in Sweden finance their stay without help from scholarships.There are several different kinds of SI scholarship available. SI scholarships for students applying to English-language programs in Sweden are mainly for master’s level studies or advanced studies/research.SI also administers bilateral exchange programs with China, Germany, Italy and Japan.
Students and researchers from these countries can apply for funding for academic pursuits in Sweden via this channel as well.Other organizations, both Swedish and foreign, also sponsor scholarships for foreign students in Sweden.

Lists of Countries that are offered Scholarship based on their per capital income that is between $825 to $10,065 since 2004
afganistan, Cameroon, Albania, Anguilla, Angola, Congo Rep., Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Côte d'Ivoire, Armenia, Argentina, Benin, Ghana, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Bhutan, India, Belarus, Belize, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Bolivia, Botswana, Burundi, Korea, Dem.Rep.Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Cambodia, Kyrgyz Rep., Brazil, Cook Islands, Cape Verde, Moldova, China, Costa Rica, Central African Rep., Mongolia, Colombia, Croatia, Chad, Nicaragua, Cuba, Dominica, Comoros,Nigeria,Dominican Republic, Gabon, Congo Dem. Rep., Pakistan, Ecuador, Grenada, Djibouti, Papua New Guinea, Egypt, Lebanon, Equatorial Guinea, Tajikistan, El Salvador, Libya, Eritrea, Uzbekistan, Fiji, Malaysia, Ethiopia, Viet Nam, Georgia, Mauritius, Gambia, Zimbabwe, Guatemala, Mayotte, Guinea, Guyana, Mexico, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Montserrat, Haiti,Indonesia, Nauru, Kiribati, Iran, Oman, Laos, Iraq, Palau, Lesotho, Jamaica, Panama, Liberia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Madagascar, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Malawi, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav, South Africa, Maldives, Republic of St.Helena, Mali,Marshall Islands, St. Kitts-Nevis, Mauritania, Micronesia, Fed. States, St. Lucia, Mozambique, Montenegro, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Myanmar, Morocco, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Namibia, Turkey, Niger, Niue, Turks and Caicos Islands, Rwanda, Palestinian Adm. Areas, Uruguay, Samoa, Paraguay, Venezuela, Sao Tome and Principe,Peru, Senegal, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Serbia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Suriname, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Syria, Timor-Leste, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tuvalu, Tonga, Uganda, Tunisia, Vanuatu, Turkmenistan, Yemen, Ukraine, Zambia, Wallis and Futuna

In Sweden, there are 48 accredited institutions of higher education. Many of them offer English-language education accessible to international students.Finding the institution that is right for you depends on a number of factors - your academic interests, course availability, but also the location and size of an institution.

*Blekinge Institute of Technology * Borås University College *Chalmers University of Technology * Dalarna University * Gothenburg University * Gotland University * Gävle University * Halmstad University * Jönköping University * Kalmar University * Karlstad University * Karolinska Institutet * Konstfack * Kristianstad University * KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology * Linköping University * Luleå University of Technology * Lund University * Malmö University * Mid Sweden University * Mälardalen University * Skövde University * SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences * Stockholm School of Economics * Stockholm University * Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) * Södertörn University College * Umeå University * University West * Uppsala University * Växjö
University * Örebro University


North and Central Sweden
Darlana University
Mid Sweden University
Malardalen University
Sweden University of Agric. Science

Southern Sweden
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Boras University
Gotland University
Kristians Tad University
Luud University
Jonkoping University
Jonkoping International Business School

Around Stockholm
Konstfack University

December 1 ( First day to apply for the Autum Semester )
Late August ( Autum Semester Begins )
June 1 ( First day to apply for the Spring Semester )
Mid January ( Spring Semester Begins )
August 1 ( Master Programmes for applicants Outside EU/EEA )
These are for programmes /Courses starting in Spring )
February 1 ( Master programmes for applicants outside EU/EEA )
These are for Courses/Programmes starting in Autum )


For programmes starting in Autumn:
February 1- Master programmes for applicants outside EU/EEA
April 15- Master programmes for applicants within EU/EEACourses at undergraduate level: First and second cycle according to the Bologna Convention.

For programmes/Courses Starting in Spring:
August 1- Master programmes for applicants outside EU/EEA
October 15- Master programmes for applicants within EU/EEACourses at undergraduate level: First and second cycle according to the Bologna Convention.

EU: European Union
EEA: European Economic Agreement; Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and LiechteinStudents from outside the EU/EEA:

EEA - European Economic Agreement


2 Passport Sized photographs
Your Full Names
Date of Birth
Email Address
Five credit passes in O/level exams, including English Language, Mathematics and three other relevant subjects (undergraduate program)
First degree / HND (Postgraduate program)
Your application Fee ( Compulsory )
more information, contact:

Tomiwa Afolabi
8, Onakoya Street,
Ikosi Ketu,
2348135710495 (Whatsapp)

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