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Tuesday, 20 June 2017


If you are really saying you don't have a job, it’s not because there is no work, it’s because you're lazy – physically, socially or mentally. I am sorry if this offends you, but trust me, i really mean it.
Here are a few pointers and guides to get you out of your unemployment or jobless state!

1. There is so much that needs to get done, so much work. Some of us literally overwork ourselves. This must mean the scarcity is not of work, it’s of willing workers.
2. The Good book instructs that those who would not work should not eat, and we all know that those who do not eat are sure to die. It means the creator is saying that there is no space for jobless or unemployed people in the world!
3. There is dignity and profit in all labour. If you don’t have a job, don’t make looking for a particular job your excuse. The jobless state is not a choosing state, find something your hand can do, and work your way to your dreams from there. There is no work jobless people are too big for, you need to abhor that state enough to take serious action! You can’t afford to despise any work!
4. Start somewhere! Stop fantasizing about Shell and Chevron, you will not be getting better qualified waiting for them. Look for somewhere to volunteer, put in your heart and sweat and see if it doesn’t reward you!

It is better to have somewhere to go everyday free than sit at home updating yourself on useless gist and hanging with wrong relationships.

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