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Saturday, 27 October 2018


It has been said that, 'When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable'... also applies to the Purpose of money. There is a need to establish the fact that money truly serves as a medium of exchange but there's much more to that. You barely can't do anything without money these days because money is everything. So, if you don't have money, you are on a long thing... Even, the Holy Bible corroborates the fact that MONEY ANSWERETH ALL THINGS. So, the importance of money can never be over emphasized.

Having established that, you need to understand that, to everything upon the surface of the earth, it surely has a PURPOSE. God doesn't or didn't create anything in this world without any particular reason. There is a reason and a purpose to everything created by God Almighty upon the surface of the earth.

The number one reason for money or why God Almighty would bless you is to use it to glorify HIM. Actually, your meaning of glorifying God may not be my meaning depending on how you are seeing it. But know this, the first essence of money is to glorify God. So, if God knows that, if He blesses you are not going to use it to Glorify His name, He might not bless you after all unless you change your mentality. 

The second purpose of money is to help the people in need. This year alone, Bill Gates has spent billions of dollars (over $1.6 Billion) so far on Nigerians ( Google no dey lie at all. So, the reason why God will release His treasures upon your life is if you are people oriented. You must be a people person for God to bless you knowing fully well that you shall release it too to people who are in need. 

The third purpose of money is to meet up with life obligations. What determines therefore the maximum amount of money that flows into your hands is your CAPACITY. I call this, MONEY CAPACITY. This is because you can never be richer in life than your money capacity. What it connotes is, the more your money capacity, the more money that flows into your hand. You will never ever produce more money than your money capacity. When you have worked or built on your money capacity to a level, it turns to something more powerful which is known as WEALTH CAPACITY.

Hear this fellas, you will never retain money than your wealth capacity. Your wealth capacity automatically turns to a WEALTH MAGNET... I know by now, you are already asking in your mind, what is this money capacity all about? Hmmm, permit me to give you a simplified personal definition.... Money capacity is therefore the total skills, ability and know-how you develop your life time to attract and retain money. These are abilities you need to maximize your outside possibilities without loosing your head.

Mathematically, WEALTH CAPACITY = Making money from making most of your ability + developed matured skills in spending the money. Your WEALTH CAPACITY is your greatest asset fellas and remember, God will never release to you more money than you can manage in life. Remember the story of the talents in the Bible? Remember, He released the talents according to their several abilities.... See, if money increases in your hand without your capacity increasing, the money diminishes automatically...

Let me set a good example here....
If you go to school to study English language and you later turn out to be an English lecturer, sincerely, that is one level you could be making money. However, you will be limited in making more money until you now again develop your writing skills to be able to write books for many to buy thereby making more money. Besides, you could also develop the skills of proof reading books for people and then make much more money. 

I hope you are getting something here.....!!! Again, you can go further by teaching English at evening classes for adults. These are the four levels and even much more from making money from that field. If you are a pastor in house and you are opportune to stumble on this, you could work on this to create streams of income for yourself.

Summarily, you can never be richer than your ability or capacity. Some people are busy praying for more money without developing their capacities. While you are praying for money, please, also develop your capacities. Developing your capacities is where the money is fellas. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have been consistent on the list of the richest men in the world for the past 15 years. They are there for so long because they have developed their capacities to make money to the maximum without becoming crazy in spending the moneys they are making. This is a story for another time...

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